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RBI to implement some recommendations of working group on digital lending

RBI to implement some recommendations of working group on digital lending

RBI to implement some recommendations of working group on digital lending

RBI to implement some recommendations of working group on digital lending


The RBI has accepted some recommendations made by the working group on digital lending (WGDL), effective immediately.


Here are a few of the key recommendations:

* Loan disbursals and repayments can only happen between the bank accounts of borrowers and an RBI-regulated entity without any pass-through.


* Fees/charges relating to loan disbursals must be paid to the loan service providers by the RBI-regulated entity, and not the borrower.


* Companies have to disclose everything to borrowers before they sign a loan.


* APR (annual percentage rate or the interest paid on loans per year) have to be disclosed to customers.


* Companies cannot increase users’ credit limits without their explicit consent.


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