How to convert resident savings account to NRO account
Such individuals must convert or redesignate any resident bank accounts—where you are the primary account holder—as NRO accounts.
Also read:
Can you convert your savings account to an NRE account?
Who is an NRI?
According to the ICICI Bank NRI page FAQs:
An NRI is an Indian citizen who stays outside India:
(a) for purposes of carrying out employment or any business or vocation;
(b) under circumstances indicating an intention to stay outside India for an uncertain duration;
(c) any Indian citizen deputed outside India for a temporary period in connection with employment.
According to HDFC Bank website, below is the process to change the NRI status across all accounts.
Documents required for conversion of account
- Resident to NRO Conversion form. (Form to be signed by all holders)
- Self-attested PAN Card or Form 60 (in the absence of PAN)
- Self-attested copies of passport and Visa to prove his/her NRI status.
- Overseas address is mandatory to be obtained from customer and mentioned on the account conversion form.
- Self-attested Address proof (Any one Indian or Overseas proof) should be as per the list of acceptable proofs.
In case customer whose status has now changed to NRI) is a joint/second holder in Resident Account then in such cases, customer need to additionally submit a declaration along with the above mentioned conversion forms and KYC documents.
How to submit conversion request
1) Non Face to face application
A) Request can also be submitted via REGISTERED EMAIL ID (Scanned copies of Self-attested documents need to be submitted)
B) Request can be submitted via Non face to face basis physical request received via COURIER / POST/ MAILBOX etc. (Self-attested documents need to be submitted))
2) Face to face application
All KYC documents must be self-attested by the customer.
All documents must be signed in presence of the bank official and all KYC documents would be verified against the originals by the bank official.
Note that as per ICICI Bank website, “After re-designation of your resident savings account to NRO savings account, the account number will remain the same and funds from resident savings account will automatically be transferred to NRO savings account. In case of your Indian address not being changed you would not be required to submit the proof. However, if it has changed then you would be required to submit the proof. Current (i.e. overseas) address proof is mandatorily.”
Important points to note
1) DEBIT CARD: International Debit card linked to Resident Account will be Hotlisted whereas new Rupay NRO domestic debit card or ATM card can be issued for re-designated NRO account provided the request for Rupay debit card issuance is submitted on the conversion form.
2) CURRENT REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNT: Current Reimbursement Account can be closed or in case you wish to continue to maintain the account then it will be converted to Current Account – NRO, however there will be AMB- Average Monthly balance requirement on the said account and this AMB will be calculated basis the branch in which you have maintained the said account.
a) Resident Joint Holder in NRO Account:- Any resident Individual can be a second/joint holder in NRO account with mode of operation as “Former or Survivor”. Only 1 Resident Individual can be added as Joint/second holder in NRO account. Such resident joint holder can also be Mandate Holder in the NRO account for ease of operation of NRO account in India. NRI customer need to submit the mandate form and resident individual who is being added as mandate holder and the mandate holder need to visit the branch along with the original copies of his/her photo id and address proof and also sign on the said form.
b) NRI Joint holder in Resident Account: NRI Individuals can be joint/ second holder in any resident account under ANY mode of operation i.e. JOO, JAO etc. However in such cases NRI customer need to additionally submit a declaration.
4) REQUEST SUBMISSION: Account conversion request can be submitted at home as well as non-home branch and also can be submitted via Registered Email id currently updated on bank records.
5) TDS APPLICABILITY: TDS on interest earned on NRO savings account will be applicable post the account is converted to NRO. TDS on interest earned on term deposit post conversion will be applicable on from the date of completion of last quarter (Reinvestment FDs) OR last interest payout date (Interest Payout FDs).
What happens to your FDs opened as a resident?
According to the ICICI Bank FAQ, “As per RBI regulation, once you attain an NRI status, you need to Re-designate the FDs opened as a resident to NRO FDs. Please note that tax @ 30.9% will be levied on interest earned on NRO FDs.”