Asset allocation is a very powerful idea in personal finance
The small savings of those days was during periods of inadequate incomes. Money would routinely run out before the next salary came in. The family had to make sacrifices to fund what was important. The woman of the house innovated many ways to put some money aside. If my grandmother hid her savings in the rice tin, my mom chose the bank. We children put coins into the piggy bank and waited for the day to break it open and count the loot. Not touching the saving was a much needed discipline.
We now live in relative prosperity. So many of those struggling families are today well off. But money attitudes sometimes don’t keep pace. In today’s prosperous world of the small investor, I do see with some, a certain impatience with accumulated funds. I notice an eagerness to use those funds for a need that has been specifically discovered, with an eye on the money.
A colleague would routinely treat her family to a meal at an expensive place, the week before pay date. There is still some balance in the account and my next income is just round the corner, she would say. Another relative would make holiday plans as soon as a few months’ savings accumulated. We earned this holiday, she would say. Another routinely used her annual bonus to buy herself some jewellery, telling us that it was her chance to gift herself. Other gifts during the year were also jewels bought by the husband, brothers and parents.
We are not talking about those who spend their incomes generously on whatever they fancy. Those are avid consumers. This is another class that just cannot bear to see money accumulating somewhere. They have to access what they see as surplus that they have generated. Their saving plans are all short-term. They cannot bear to wait for more than a year at the most to enjoy the benefits. Anything that has been set aside must be used. Sooner the better.
Some of them do wisen up with time. They don’t want to use it all up, but devise some strategies. A cousin routinely replaces her jewels, trading old for new. All my arguments about losing money on making charges and damages fall on deaf ears. She is confident that she is buying new jewels at a fraction of the full cost. Another books profits on his investments from time to time, and uses that money to upgrade his phone, car or some gadget. He feels really smart about it.
Why do I pick on these habits? Should one not be enjoying the money they make? Is long term investing the only route to wealth? Is there a virtue in trading the present for the future? My concern is about wealth and sustainability of income. Let me explain. Whatever we do with our money, we hold it only in two primary forms: as assets and as income. Income is the cash flow that is readily available to use; asset is the accumulated income that will be available whenever we want to use it. Our financial well being is not determined just by how much income we have today, available to spend as we wish. It depends critically on sustaining that income over our lifetime.At some level of intuitive understanding, we should be able to strike a balance between the two. Mindlessly accumulating assets and not utilising it ever or bequeathing it to heirs who don’t even need it, are also forms of extreme imbalance. The tendency to convert assets into income frequently, not allowing assets to accumulate and grow with time, is also an extreme imbalance. Asset allocation is a very powerful idea in personal finance. We balance between income and growth, depending on which asset generates income, and which asset must grow to generate future income. Retirement is just a case of the income generating human asset making way for income generating investment assets.
While earning, we set income aside to fund that future. Every time the asset is liquidated in the examples we discussed earlier, growth is sacrificed for income. Each one of those innocuous decisions are asset rebalancing decisions that impact our personal finances and long term wealth. When profit is booked on a growing asset like equity, and we consume the cash, we have reduced our equity allocation for cash. When incomes are used to replace gold jewels, allocation to gold has not gone up if all incremental cash went towards charges.
There is truly no escaping the asset allocation framework while explaining the everyday decisions we make to spend or save. Worse still, spending is habit forming. Therefore, the provisions for future incomes to be generated must also include this lifestyle that the spending has fostered. The default answer is not no. All spending is not wasteful and unnecessary. Just the mindfulness about where income is getting allocated, and why an asset is being liquidated, is enough. The percentage allocation method is still my personal favourite. I recast every saving and expense, big or small, as a percentage of my annual income. For example, 10% of the income on a holiday seems reasonable in my mind. Then funding it is merely a matter of cash flow management.
The story of my 90-year old reader who saved all his life, and now has a fortune piled up with no way to spend it, is also a case of imbalance. Assets must be used, he now tells his grandchildren. Then asks me if his generous bequest will spoil them. That is another story for another day.