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Bank holidays in February 2023: Banks to remain closed for 10 days, check state-wise list here

Bank holidays in February 2023: Banks to remain closed for 10 days, check state-wise list here


In February there will be 10 bank holidays, including the second and fourth Saturdays and all Sundays, spread across various states in the country. Also, banks will be closed for three consecutive Saturday’s, so only one Saturday will be working for banks this month. However, holidays will not be the same across all states. Apart from national holidays, state governments designate bank holidays; there are a few state-specific holidays when banks are closed.

Banks will be closed in few states on the occasion of Lui-Ngai-Ni, Mahashivratri (Maha Vad-14)/Sivarathri, State Day and Loser, according to the RBI holiday list.

  • February 15 (Wednesday): Bank holiday in Manipal state on the occasion of Lui-Ngai-Ni
  • February 18, (third Saturday): Banks are closed in most of the states except Tripura, Mizoram, Chandigarh, Tamil Nadu, Sikkim, Assam, Manipur, Rajasthan, Bengal, Delhi, Goa, Bihar, and Meghalaya.
  • Banks are closed on the occasion of Mahashivratri.
  • February 20 (Monday): Banks are closed in Mizoram on the occasion of Mizoram State Day.
  • February 21 (Tuesday): Banks are closed in Sikkim on the occasion of Losar.

Holiday Description

Holiday Description Day
Lui-Ngai-Ni 15
Mahashivratri (Maha Vad-14)/Sivarathri 18
State Day 20
Losar 21

The RBI publishes a list of bank holidays on its official website. The central bank announces the bank holidays for the full year state wise.

All bank holidays have been classified into distinct categories under the Negotiable Instruments Act of 1881-Holidays Under Negotiable Instruments Act, Banks’ Closing of Accounts, and Real-Time Gross Settlement Holiday.

India observes three central holidays: Republic Day (26 January), Independence Day (15 August), and Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti (2 October)

Though banks are closed, you can also use internet banking and mobile banking to do most of financial and non-financial transactions. However, to do so, you must have a active net banking and mobile banking services with login details. To avoid delay in bank work, bank customers are recommended to schedule all of their bank-related tasks around these holidays.


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