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How to realign your retirement portfolio

How to realign your retirement portfolio


Sandeep is a 65-year-old retired senior executive who lives on the pension from the government. He supports his wife, but has no other financial commitments. His pension is adequate to meet the household requirements but not enough to cope should a large sum of money be required suddenly. A few months ago, his wife needed surgery that required some money over and above what was covered by the CGHS. Sandeep was forced to take a loan at a high interest rate. He has investments in NSC, Senior Citizens Savings Schemes, bank FDs and RBI bonds. Some of them are maturing soon but Sandeep wants to break some deposits and park the funds in his savings account so that he is not caught short again. Is his concern valid?

Sandeep, like all retired people, must have a portfolio that allows him to efficiently meet the two most important requirements at this stage in his life—income and liquidity. His income needs are adequately taken care of by his pension. But his ability to meet emergency needs at short notice is compromised by the fact that his money is tied up in long-term investments that impose a penalty if they are withdrawn before maturity.

Sandeep will have to reallocate a portion of his portfolio into investments that have lower tenor or maturity. This will allow him to withdraw funds at short notice with no or low penalty. As he is not earning new income, it is important that the existing resources are invested in a way that give him the flexibility to redeem and apply them to meet his current or new needs.

Instead of breaking deposits that will enforce a penalty, Sandeep should wait for a while as some of them are due to mature soon anyway. In the meantime, he should review his portfolio and decide which investments can be redeemed earlier and at the lowest cost, if the need arises. For instance, bank deposits may be easier and faster to withdraw than a post office scheme. Investments like equity savings funds, monthly income plans of mutual funds and bank FDs of lower tenors are products that Sandeep should consider to reallocate a portion of his portfolio. They will take care of the returns as well as liquidity requirements of his investments better than the savings bank account.

Content on this page is courtesy Centre for Investment Education and Learning (CIEL).
Contributions by Girija Gadre, Arti Bhargava and Labdhi Mehta.


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