MF portfolio doctor: Seth needs to hike investment to reach retirement target
Not many investors know whether they have invested in the right funds and if their fund portfolio is on track. The Portfolio Doctor assesses the health of the fund portfolio, examines the schemes and their suitability with regard to the goals and, if required, recommends corrective measures. The advice given is based on the performance of the funds, the risk profile of the investor as well as his financial goals.
Amitabh Seth is saving for his daughter’s goals and his retirement. Here’s what the doctor advised:
- Investing in equity funds for past 3-4 years.
- Funds are good but SIP amounts are quite low.
- Corpus not very big as many SIPs stopped after a while.
- Goals are ambitious. Restart SIPs to be able to achieve them.
- SIPs will also have to be hiked every year by 5-10%.
Note from the doctor
- Don’t invest in more funds. Just keep adding to existing ones.
- Opt for maximum exposure to equity funds in NPS.
- Review investments and rebalance at least once in a year.
- Reduce risk when goal is near so that you don’t miss the target.
Reduce retirement target or defer goal
Satish Agnihotri is saving for his child’s education and retirement. Here’s what the doctor has advised
- Started investing in equity funds to save tax 3-4 years ago.
- Goals are ambitious and need big increase in monthly investments.
- SIPs also need to be hiked by 10% every year.
- Review investments and rebalance at least once in a year.
- Reduce risk when goal is near so that you don’t miss the target.
If you want your portfolio examined, write to with “Portfolio Doctor” as the subject.
Mention the following information:
- Names of the funds you hold.
- Current value of the investment.
- If you have SIPs running in any of them.
- The financial goals for which you invested.
- How much you need for each financial goal.
- How far away is each goal.